Chinatown Training & Visioning Center
Let's Learn & Build the Future Together

On the second floor of the historic red brick building in Chinatown Honolulu, there is a special place where business leaders and young professionals gather to learn, share best practices and ideas to build for the future. The Chinatown Training and Visioning Center was created in 2009 with the purchase of the 8 South King Building by the Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii and the Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation.
As I gaze at the Golden Dragon and Chinese decor in the rooms, I wonder what this place was used for in the earlier days of Chinatown. I heard through family stories that my grandfather once owned a store in the area. I don't know all of the details. But I do know that he was known for his suckling roast pig and special Hawaiian and Chinese healing herbs. He used to show various plants and teach the healing properties to me, but as a foolish young adult, I did not fully appreciate nor retain the gifted wisdom of my elders (sigh).
In hindsight, I wish was a better learner of the healing arts from my Gung Gung (grandfather) and how to make gau and oyster rolls from my Popo (grandmother); and had asked them about their real estate strategy. Fortunately, I can still tap into my parents' knowledge and experience.
There's time to garner the wisdom of our elders and learn fresh ideas from our youth.
Each One Teach Many. Perpetuate wisdom and understanding.
Now and for the future, the Center offers the opportunity for people to share their wisdom and stories. Free and affordable educational workshops and community events for Chamber members and their guests. Workshops are conducted by members of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii and other invited volunteer speakers to share their expertise and experience in many business and professional fields.
The group interaction makes these sessions worthwhile. Our events are open to the Japanese, Filipino and Korean Chambers of Commerce to expand outreach beyond the Chinese community. We offer a variety of workshop topics for personal and professional interests.
I am honored to volunteer and serve our community as a Board of Director member of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, and the Curriculum Committee Chair for the Chinatown Community Foundation's Training and Visioning Center. My intention in all that I do is to hold safe space for people to gather and learn with an open mind-set, be authentic, and care for each other for the greater good.
As a valued EEpath™ customer and EEmuse™ subscriber, I invite you to be my guest. Join us to learn and share best practices with like-minded leaders and professionals. We have 3 FREE workshops coming up in July, August and the first Wednesday of each month thereafter. Go to for more information and to register.