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14 Ways to Gain Trust & Credibility as a Leader (or Snake Charmer)?

EEpath Business Coach in Hawaii

This Snake Charmer sits by the Ganges with his Cobra snakes and within minutes, he can gain people's trust (and rupees) to place a Cobra around their neck. Is he a great salesperson? Is he a leader? I'd say Yes to both questions. What do you think?

As a leader, how do you get your customers, people you work and live with, to TRUST you?


  1. Walk the Talk: do what you say, and say what you do. Be authentic and honest on your failures as well as your successes. Your truthfulness and vulnerability demonstrates your true character and integrity. Overcoming failures demonstrate your courage, perseverance and commitment to learning and growth.

  2. Be impeccable on your word and follow through on commitments. If there are unforeseen circumstances that you are unable to follow-through, communicate it immediately, ask for help and/or offer new solutions.

  3. Take responsibility for your actions. If you were wrong, own it and apologize for any inconvenience or disappointment that it may have caused others.

  4. Maximize your time and be truthful on your ability to follow through so people know they can count on you. Plan how your are going to deliver your obligations and promises and allocate the proper time and resources. If you cannot fulfill a request, be honest, say “no” politely and offer alternatives.

  5. Commit to yourself and take care of yourself in order to be at your best in terms of mind, emotions, body and spirit. You can only give your best to others if you are at your best.

  6. Face your fears and work through them so that they do not “pop” up in self-sabotage. I used to make the excuse of allowing my anger and frustration out when I felt stressed and lack of sleep. In reflection, my procrastination caused the last-minute rush and stress that I placed on others. My need for perfection (or fear of rejection) caused me to change my mind and direction constantly, which caused confusion and frustration for my staff and colleagues.

  7. Be an open book, but caution on over-talking with too much information. Be professional, clear and concise on your intention and message. What's in it for your customer and people?

  8. Communicate to understand, not to be understood. Keep your eyes and ears open, and keep your mouth closed. Listen more deeply with compassion, empathy and hold the sacred space for your customer and people.

  9. Look at what you are good at, what you love to do, and what you can do to earn a living. Where the 3 overlap is the vocation that you will be most likely to succeed. By leveraging your strengths and aligning to your desires, you embody all that you truly are and your passion will shine through naturally. Don’t try to fake it to you make it. People pick up on false personas really fast.

  10. Don’t take things personally. If people criticize or judge you harshly, that’s their issue or problem. Discern who you really need feedback from to improve - such as your employees, customers and true supporters who care about your best interest. Listen to their constructive feedback when you want it and will do something about it. Don’t ask for feedback if do not intend to do anything with it.

  11. Make your decisions based on truths, facts, and root causes. Do not react to or try to fix the symptoms, or cast judgements based on assumptions.

  12. Always do your best. Go beyond what is expected without expecting anything in return.

  13. Give gratitude and appreciation with sincerity. Recognize the goodness in others. Be kind.

  14. Be positive and have fun. That positive energy and enthusiasm are much more attractive and engaging to others.

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